Total raging DBeat crust assault from Jakarta, Indonesia. These are some of the nicest dudes I've encountered anywhere, half of this band opened up their homes to us while we were there, and we played with GLADIATOR, the bassist's other band (who totally fukkn rule, by the way). Then I got home and popped in this demo, and I was
floored! Fans of raw DBeat will be delighted at this 2006 recording, pure textbook fist in the air rampaging kång, with obvious influences from DISCHARGE, ANTI CIMEX, SHIT LICKERS, CRUCIFIX, and...well, you get the drill. Unfortunately, my ridiculously "purist" parameters for this blog mean that many of the bands I discovered in Indonesia will remain on my CD shelf, as they did not have cassette demos, but STRAIGHT AHEAD, GLADIATOR, HELLBOMBS, BULLETPROOF, SCOLD, HOODED, STRAIGHT ON VIEW, SECOND COMBAT and scores more bands we encountered there are living punk to the fullest, and inspiring anyone lucky enough to cross their paths.
I could go on and on about how awesome our time in Indonesia (really, everywhere we went in SE Asia) was...instead, I'll just say "thank you" to the punks.
breaking gender based musical stereotypes left and right! who would have thought that the dude is the one into melodic UK punk and his wife likes rampaging crust! tell her I said "enjoy!"
will do
Just to correct you a bit here, Second Combat is from Malaysia, not Indonesia. Be careful, please. Those two countries don't have more in common than, say, the U.S. and Mexico do. I have this tape, but feeling too lazy to rip the music, I must thank you much for doing so.
Your correction is duly noted. I played with SECOND COMBAT in Malaysia, and we were lucky enough to have a couple of days to hang out in Kota Kinabula afterwards with Arwith. I only included SECOND COMBAT in the list of Indonesian bands because I encountered them on the same tour. But, I agree, the two countries are indeed completely different.
Thank you for keeping me on my toes...
kamusta robert!
its been a year since you guys have been here at our place in quezon province.
shit man, i could've given you old Twisted Red Cross re-issues and other tapes released before cd-r demos had become the rage had i known you're into tapes.
gimme yer address and imma send you stuff that you might be into. my email is xzepolx[at]yahoo.com.
say "kamusta!" to caroline for me.
take care!
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