I was digging in Fresno a few weeks back, looking for some relic from a different time without knowing exactly what kind of relic of from what time because...that's how thrifting works. If you're trying to find a '_____' then you'd just go to the '_____' store, right? It's the adventure and the mystery and the unknown that keeps us digging, and so I was digging. And I dug until I pulled out this Cajun Comedy tape and then I figured "yeah...this is probably all for today - this is what I was meant to find" and 25¢ later I was on my way out the door. I suggest pulling up a chair here, maybe cracking open a cold one this afternoon (as I did on that afternoon a few weeks back) so you can really settle into Justin Wilson's brand of story telling - because it's really more about the stories than the comedy here, and anyone who knows me knows I enjoy a good story. Maybe I should start recording my stories and leaving them in thrift stores for future searchers....