21 July 2009


This is seriously one of the worst things I have ever heard, fucking brilliant!! I only hear guitar and vocals, and these five songs cover such titillating subjects as (in order): government officials on drugs, drugs, employing the services of a prostitute you thought was a woman, government lies, and government ineffectiveness. That about takes care of everything, doesn't it? If horribly executed inept two chord punk is your jam...

1 comment:

Henk said...

r e a l l y enjoyed this one. A bit sad the sound is crap cause of the worn tape.

One tip is too replace that filt?/filter? thing in the middle of the cassette. Unscrew the screws and put the lid off, then replace the filt thing from a new (or newer) tape.

Or simply separate the tape from the cassette and put the 'TAPE' in a new cassette and it might sort out the wobbly sound.

I hope anything is understandable, english isn't my first language so...