28 January 2021



SEA OF SHIT have spent a lot of time in my ears over the years. They aren't a band I listen to on repeat, instead I feel like sometimes I need a break after blasting...like, maybe I'm just done listening to music for a few minutes. Maybe all day. The sound is absolutely massive, and they attack the sound rather than deliver it. They are mad at the riffs, and they want to make the riffs pay (don't get me started about the drums - I'm not sure what those drums did to that dude in a previous life but they are surely paying the price in this one). They inflict pain, and then make it worse by destroying their own songs with noise and a bombastic recording that takes tonnage to criminal heights...it's "only" ten minutes long but if experienced properly it will leave you completely drained. Exhausted. There's a lot more, but this one is from 2011 and it's where I started...I still haven't finished. 

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