18 August 2018


Come for the cover alone, get drawn in by the space age Roy Orbison cover, fall in love with the Elvis and Marty Robbins medleys...and then revel in the discovery that John Paul Cody may have in fact been John Cody AND Paul Cody, identical twins who found life in the abyss of Branson, Missouri in the 1980s. One of them died, and one of them may or may not have taken both names and continued on to some kind of alternate universe glory. How brave are you?


kingpossum said...

Yikes. Frightening (possible) backstory. Found this more listenable than Ron Fawcett however, whatever bravery that signifies. Thanks for the post.

K said...

This is powerful stuff. A great companion to the Ron Fawcett tape. The country curios you dig up have easily become my favorite posts to the blog.