29 August 2018


If you're like me, then there are days when you wake up and all you want to listen to is aggressive hardcore punk music. On days like these, I am glad that I have a wall filled with aggressive hardcore punk music cassettes....I fully acknowledge that this is a testament to my privilege as a relatively stable white "first world" punk rocker, and I try to use that privilege to share existence affirming aggressive punk rock music with as many people as possible, whenever possible. Because even when the deck is stacked in your favor, you can still feel like the world is against you....so imagine how you would fucking feel if the world was against you? If you didn't have that leg up that you got simply because of how or where you were born, you dig? Yeah...fucking pissed. And it's good to know that a lot of other people are pissed too, no matter where (or when) they (or you) come from. FORCED CONTROL come from Maine and they are definitely fucking pissed, as the 4:53 on this cassette will clearly demonstrate to all who are wise enough to listen. 

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