23 August 2018


I mean....why fukk with a good thing? Compared to IRON NOOSE, Budapest's IRON STEEL are more raw, more primitive, more sinister, more fukkn desperate....less produced, less professional, more proficient, but definitely more. A dozen minutes that will make you want to shred everything complete thing in your existence, that will make you want to shove a bubble handle comb in your back pocket and start re-cultivating pubescent acne. A dozen minutes that will drive you so thrash banging mad that nothing else matters....because nothing else will. Check the instrumental bridge that repeats in "Too Wild To Tame" if you don't believe me.


kingpossum said...

Total badass. As promised. Thanks for the post.

Bastard said...

Saw them a few weeks ago at the FLUFF FEST in Rokyčany/ČZ and they blew me away. The only thing that I have to criticize is that they don't sold the tape at the merch table. What a shame. I would be glad if someone could give me some informations where I could buy this amazing tape.

Anonymous said...

rad blog - just found ya - and fuckin cheers