I've got a tape of roughs from the unreleased Here In Our Hearts session from INTERNAL AUTONOMY, and there are more rough mixes from a band listed as STORM FACTION tacked onto the end. Never heard of 'em, and can't find any information about them, but they surely sound like a bare knuckled pisstake of an ignorant UK Oi! band, and I kinda love it. Railing against PC punks with a half drunk exaggerated accent, all while the band decks out full throated ragers like "Runnin' Outta Time" and "Weak Link" (I ain't into politics!). A freaked out "Anarchoi Dub Stylee" (later followed up by the slightly longer "More Anarchoi! Dub Stylee," naturally) and even rougher reference mixes of two cuts that appear to be veering in a more UKHC (say Scrap Metal, perhaps) direction - just drum machine and vocals on these but that's no reason to not share a screamer like "Come Uppance Of The Macho Male," right? My thoughts exactly. So at the end of a year full of frustration and loss and questions and distrust, I'll tack on a little mystery.
31 December 2020
30 December 2020
29 December 2020
28 December 2020
27 December 2020
Clench up real time and unwind with force. The 2015 slammer from Olympia's CONVICT is just a complete monster - just honest, fierce hardcore of the highest order. There's something that is (still) magic about hearing pure hardcore, it sounds like teeth ripping flesh...and it feels like the flesh is yours. That is what CONVICT did on Barred Life.
26 December 2020
25 December 2020
You are welcome to choose between two stone cold classics. You are also welcome to choose both.
A dub, likely many generations removed from the original, that includes the searing and essential (and much circulated) 1983 demo and the live in Pisa set from the same year that was tacked onto the more common BCT#5 reissue. Track listing from the live set appears to be a bit different, likely a few things just omitted by the limitations of the generational cassette format, and there are three burners from You Are The Victim tacked onto the end. I often feel that if RAW POWER had just called it after Screams From The Gutter, they would be revered as one of the most important and intense hardcore bands in the world...but when you spend years (decades) touring on records that are basically just "pretty good," it might serve to fog up the view in the mirror when folks are looking back. Regardless, these recordings are simply fucking insane.

24 December 2020
Nothing groundbreaking here. I mean...totally ground breaking of course; BUZZCOCKS are a starter punk band for good fucking reason. I just think that most people who want to jam BUZZCOCKS have already gone pretty deep into the catalog, and one doesn't have to dig very deep to unearth the Razor Cuts collection. And if these sounds are new to you, then you're going to want to start digging. Just the cuts from the B side, because that's what someone slapped onto the front end of a slamming mix that also featured DRONES, ADVERTS and some other greats. So yeah, nothing groundbreaking maybe, but I'm just helping you cover your bases here.
23 December 2020
22 December 2020

21 December 2020
Motherfukkr how did I miss this one in real time? A completely insane burst of DBeat power from Washington (state) that appeared (and vanished, apparently) in the middle of the '10s, DEPROGRAM draw from the best in the game - Swedish kång, raw Japanese dis-worship, a throaty Davis/Harris vocal attack that eschews distortion or manipulation, all while employing a strict adherence to The Formula. There are nine tracks here; a timeless, modern DBeat assault...there's even an instrumental interlude called "Distortion." How can you fuck with that? You can't.
20 December 2020
19 December 2020
Someone slapped a few slammers onto the ass end of a mixtape that featured CHELSEA Peel Sessions and BBC recordings from 1979, the DRONES '77 Peel Session, BUZZCOCKS Razor Cuts outtakes from '79, ADVERTS surprisingly smoking Raw Energy recording (which is a ripping mess, by the way), some cuts that will especially appeal to the folks who dug the (highly recommended) History Of Michigan Rock series and the connection between Motor City and the world's greatest Nation Continent. A handful of live recordings and outtakes from HITMEN ("Pop's All (Gone)" is the absolute star of this little mini-mix), NEW CHRISTS, NEW RACE and RADIO BIRDMEN, the latter dropping a hyped up bare knuckle cranked up bar fight version of "Search & Destroy" to close out the collection. For purists and the curious perhaps, but would you be here otherwise? I reach out to the people who curated and traded these recordings...I reach out to them in their boring offices or their sweaty garage practice spaces or their suburban homes or their graves, and I thank them.
18 December 2020
17 December 2020
16 December 2020
15 December 2020
14 December 2020
13 December 2020
Short lived Swansea (Wales) punks NO LABEL left after this one demo sometime between 1981-83 (depending on which knowledgeable historian you ask or which reliable resource you refer to). Smart second wave UK punk that doesn't really get going until after the anthemic opener "We Gotta Get Together." But when it really does get rolling (on the burner "Let's Get It Right"), NO LABEL deliver a snappy UK82 pogo frenzy with a healthy nod to SUBHUMANS (talking about the bass runs) and a sharp nasty ska tinge on the guitar (talking about "So What's The Fighting For?") - idealistic, primitive and determined in the best senses of all descriptors. As near as I can tell, the tracks from this demo are all that we've got - "Let's Get It Right" made one of the Bullshit Detector comps, and assorted other cuts appeared on a few DIY tape compilations before the rest of the demo was presented on the killer Bullsheep Detector series on AntiSociety in the early 2010s - so I guess punks will be listening to these seven tracks for the next 40ish years.
12 December 2020

11 December 2020
10 December 2020
09 December 2020
08 December 2020