03 October 2018


Late '90s ripping (and melodic) hardcore that kinda reminds me of ROUSE and early '90s Oakland, if only because it's fast as shit and still catchy. They fall off the rails a bit from time to time and it sounds like the guitarist might be more of a metalhead than the rest of the band but that's part of the charm (especially the tone that makes me think they just plugged a cheap ass distortion pedal straight into the mixing board). 

1 comment:

P. said...

I just came across this page when I was looking for something else...
Man! This is different to the Self Reliance demo tape that I've got (the one I've got is a lot better... This one sounds like it was made a lot earlier than the other one. It's great to hear it!! Their cd (Past the point) was a classic too... but I really like the other demo tape, there are only a few songs on it, but they're all belters!!

Thanks for this!