31 July 2017


Fre(ak)e music for fre(e)ak people, THE BLUES use one saxophone and one guitar to create a soundtrack to a modern metropolitan dystopia. I don't want to read too much into this, since it's really just an improvisational upchuck that most (boring) listeners will find utterly unpalatable....but THE BLUES are making something that is more than just a racket. It's a racket, to be sure...but it's the right racket for a wrong time. There is more. 

1 comment:

mnordile said...

all The Blues albums are available as free downloads at http://thebluessingstheblues.org/
Aug 1 oak at Sgraffito

6- pdx at Black Water

7- oly at An Interesting Place

8- seattle at Hollow Earth
9- vancouver at Red Gate

10- spokane at Baby Bar

12- slc at Vague Space

13- reno at the Loving Cup

14- sac at Davy Buis house