29 March 2022


I'm not going to present myself as an expert or a historian, and the (living) legacy of MOVE perhaps lives at the uncomfortable intersections of revolution, oppression, activism and violence. But I remember being a twelve year old kid seeing the news coverage after pigs in Philadelphia dropped bombs on a residential neighborhood in West Philly and let a couple of city blocks burn. I remember the things that were said about the eleven people the system killed, some reportedly shot by cops as they were trying to leave their houses that were on fire. I remember not understanding, and I know that this is the shit that sticks with you. This talk from 1994 is long. It's powerful. We still do this - we've always done this. 


FiveGunsWest said...


One of the coolest posts ever!

I remember this stuff too.

Thanks a mill

Brian Seattle said...

I vaguely remember this happening and being totally bewildered that the Philadelphia PD would bomb citizens. I was about nine when this happened and remember the coverage on the news. I bought a book not too long ago on the MOVE movement, it's still in my pile of books to read.

Thanks for posting this disturbing piece of history. I look forward to listening to it.


Brian Guy