28 March 2022



Revisiting this no-fi brilliance from the village of Amesbury I originally posted back in 2010. The brilliantly named CORPSE AND 2 VEG slog through four doses of mid-paced snotty, idealistic anarcho punk....just like snotty, idealistic are supposed to do. The recording is rough, but there songs are good sharp bursts of angular minimalist mania. "Boredom" is an utterly nonsensical forty second assault ("this is for all you lot that like hard thrash punk"), and "Meateaters" draws expertly from the playbook laid out by the bands who came before them - and when the singer loses his shit screaming "Why do you? Why do you?! Eat.....eat ANIMALS?! Why? Tell me Why? Why?! Instead of eating animals, why can't you eat food?!" the wheels comes off of the recording and everything sounds completely unhinged. The songs are an awkward, jerky, robotic blast from a distant past. More than worth slogging through 38 years of tape hiss. 


Anonymous said...

but no links for listening?

the wizard said...


Dolmance said...

A long, long time ago, in another universe, and incarnation, I had a girlfriend born in a village called Amesbury, on the Salisbury plain, who was raised in a house with a thatched roof. She's probably dead by now.

Anonymous said...
