08 May 2024



For all of the bizarre creations that Necrosignatures Occult Library has bestowed upon us, their opening salvo might still be their most ambitious. A full bodied some-kind-of-feeling album that doesn't remotely hint at the slew of varied (and excellent)releases that would follow, the 2019 tape from OLD THRASHERS REUNION is an evil nasal-y bedroom indie anomaly...maybe it just fits the description, or maybe because it fits the description and it's a perfect recording. A self released tape filled with should-have-been alt/pop hits is a rare treasure in any context, but knowing that the VÖLKERDÄMMERUNG tape came right on the heels of this masterpiece, and knowing that the same party (parties?) was (were?) responsible simply shoots this shit to the stratosphere. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is right up my alley. Thanks for posting this.