17 October 2021

17 OCTOBER 1984


On this day in 1984, our friend Pat Wright pulled an overnight shift at KALX in Berkeley, a set that kicked in after a stunning 10+ minute live version of LEATHER NUN's "Slow Death" from 1980 that closed out Eric Siegel's 10pm-2am shift. This post contains about half of Pat's shift, moving deftly from EDDIE KENDRICKS and CLIFTON CHENIER to POP-O-PIES and TELEVISION PERSONALITIES. Moving through Pat's (extensive) archive of cassettes has been a near-constant activity around TEHQ since his death last year, and sonic snapshots like this one help to contextualize how he could be simultaneously so all over the place and so totally on point (I'm not just talking about musical tastes here, obviously). There's some stuff everyone will surely know in this post, but I suspect that no single listener will be familiar with everything Pat throws at you. It's humbling. 

KALX - 17 OCTOBER 1984
Worth noting that there was a ripping and demented set from CRUCIFUCKS also captured on this day in 1984. Shared a couple of years back on Escape Is Terminal...but you should probably blast that shit if you missed it the first time. 


Icky said...

i love these kinds of posts - thank you!

the wizard said...

Thank YOU, my dude.