10 March 2021

starring BOY IN LOVE; featuring the unimitable AMAZING MR. FUN!!


Listen...and be amazed. BOY IN LOVE start out with things they like ("I Like The Alphabet" right into "I Like Dildos") and then proceed to hoover your braincells with cuts like "Well Written Suicide Note" and "Balls In Hand." There are some kinds of genius that simply cannot be faked - and listen closely to "DRI" if you don't believe me. THE AMAZING MR. FUN is more like a gauntlet...are you up for the challenge? One set recorded at the SuperBowl, and one in Medicine Hat, Manitoba. "Fuckin' dumb ass christians....and how 'bout this burning bush talking to people? How many goddamn bushes burn in California each year? And how many of them talk to people who aren't on acid?"


*Yes, I know that Medicine Hat is in Alberta.*

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