13 June 2020


A repost from 2013 that seems topical today, because this is the problem with trying to reform something that is inherently wicked. I was reminded of Christopher Dorner's manifesto last night, a man who waged a war in 2013, war against a racist institution that he tried to change from within. He tried to do what he thought was the right thing. And he was fired. And he appealed. And he lost. He did everything he was supposed to do...and he lost. So he declared war on cops. And cops fired on three civilians in the resulting paranoia fueled manhunt - no warnings, no evidence, just shooting at people (including a 70+ year old woman delivering newspapers) - before fire bombing the house in the mountains where Dorner was sheltered. He tried to fix something that was broken before he was even born. Dorner's (redacted) manifesto is here, and this nine minute harsh noise blast was released just weeks after his death. 

I'm not saying the dude is a hero or a martyr, though you could make either argument. I'm just saying that they will do fucking anything to protect themselves. Sacrificing their own is nothing...imagine what they would do to you. 

1 comment:

Icky said...

If you haven't watched Dave Chappelle's latest "8:46" video, check it out. He mentions Doerner in it, & how it (creepily) applied to him, etc. Crazy times, fuck the thin blue line.