28 May 2020


This one hit the spot the second I slapped it in, and I can't even guess how many times I've listened since. TOTAL LOSERS are what I want to think when someone talks about pop punk, or "poppy" punk or melodic hardcore or whatever...because they are fast and they are punk and they are poppy as fuck. There are early SoCal hooks, even a touch of MISFITS, doing time with 1980 Scandi punk, but there's also these little tastes of 1990s USDIY pop punk and that makes it even catchier...and ugh they are fast. A dozen burners in fourteen short minutes - "With Punk Rock I'm Not Alone," "Checkpoint For Your Love," "You're Gonna Need Your God," and the list goes on and on. Repeat listening is encouraged, and I hope there are more burners in my future

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