03 May 2020


Cold, ferocious Dutch punk from last year. There's a DK vibe from the guitar (I'm really talking "Human Show") but without the effects, and the vocals call back to a time of showmanship that's all but gone in favor on contrived writhings. There are way too many comparisons jumping out at me to try to fire them all into one little paragraph, but during "Tired" I had at least five moments that made me pause and rewind to try to nail what "that part" reminded me of. I didn't always find "it," but it enhances that mystery and the experience on future listens. Only four tracks here but each one sticks with you, perhaps because everything sounds so instantly familiar. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dutch punk? I'll bet they have been informed, a little, by their city mates, The Ex?

Nice stuff.