19 June 2024



So I posted another one of these Hangyaku tapes a couple of years ago and I'm officially on the lookout for as many volumes as I can get my filthy hands on. That tape featured three upstate NY bands, while this one captures the DIY touring '90s in a nutshell - Boston mutants FAT DAY on one side and Pueblo, Colorado maniacs FANATICS on the flip. They were both in the studio at the same time, and these are shows that just.....they don't happen like this any more. Maybe the internet killed these combinations, maybe there are just more options now, maybe I'm just too old and tired to notice today's magic - all I know is that I miss this shit. FAT DAY rips through twenty four tracks of their inimitable freakness in as many minutes and wrap up with a rare interview clip that reminds me how uniquely original and important they were. Flip the tape over and you get FANATICS laying pure waste to WRPI studios over the course of thirty seven minutes...pure and unhinged high desert speed crust with a ten minute interview to set the stage. The '90s were a time - we got stranded at FAT DAY's house and they fed us after they got home from work and school every day for a week. We went to FANATICS' house dead set on doing piles of drugs. And succeeded. Then they came to our house and did the same. And now a lifetime later I'm a middle aged man in the midst of upheaval and....and here are my memories captured on a college radio station in Troy, New York. So yeah, I'm looking for those other Hangyaku tapes. 

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