06 January 2024


The target audience here might be small, but hats off to the tape makers and traders from past punk generations for putting all of this shit in our hands today. I'f you're still reading after noting X-RAY SPEX on the title bar then just skip my drivel and go right to the download link, because you clearly know what you want and it's right fucking here. A live version of "Oh Bondage, Up Yours!" with several tracks from Germ Free Adolescents (taken straight from the record), plus nine cuts from a 1977 demo recording and four from a Peel Session the same year. And then, because I love you (and someone who came before all of us loves you too) you get three tracks from THE SAINTS and goddamn it's good to hear "Demolition Girl" again because that song just rules. It's been too long. You're welcome, punk.

1 comment:

Peter said...

If the target market for this is small, I fear for the future even more than I did yesterday. Thanks for posting great things like this.