23 January 2024



Because true punks is alway freaks. Because the music was meant to sit outside of anything approaching normal. Because we are here because we are (at least a little bit) weird. Because sometimes you need to hear something and just wonder 'what is' and/or 'why is this' happening. Because sometimes the good cannot be contained by norms....RADIATION RISKS. There is a spacial plane that we cannot reach or even see....and on that plane RADIATION RISKS are a commercially viable, socially successful quintet. On that plane, filthy garage punk with throat shredding vocals and hopelessly infectious leads is the norm. On that plane horn melodies are not just acceptable in punk - they are desirable. Essential. Perfect guitar leads are universal it seems ("Acid Fantasy #1" and "Prayers" as examples), but literally every other element on this 2016 recording (allegedly from Buffalo, New York - but I'm skeptical) has been delivered from (the) God/s to let us know what is possible.....out there. Most of us will never reach this plane or these realms, but it's nice to know what we're missing. 

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