03 February 2022



Time has been kind to REDRUM. Don't get me wrong, when I saw them at the PCH in 98 (or 99?) I was fucking floored. It was the first time LIFES HALT and WHN? played together - the entire show was wild as shit, I think REDRUM played second, and they just set up with purpose and without pretense and they leveled the joint. Only saw them a couple of times after that, and quickly they were overshadowed by the drummer's other band, but this thing....it's a fucking beast. Imagine them as a lifeline, connecting the fast intense hardcore that took over the turn of the century to the dirty, pissed, patched up hardcore punk of the 1990s basements. Not the introspective emotional shit, the sketchy desperate shit. And it still sounds real. 

1 comment:

Icky said...

Fucking Raging, thank you