19 February 2022



As even the most casual visitor has likely learned, I love a tape that listens like a journey. A collection of killer tunes is great, of course, and the track is the obviously the foundation for great hardcore records....but sometimes nothing can touch popping in (or dropping into) a recording and losing yourself, emerging 15 or 45 minutes later feeling like you've just been somewhere. Sometimes hardcore can do that (and those ore the great one, naturally), but I feel like you'll find the real masters making this happen in other realms. DIVINE INTERVENTION are perhaps both. A black metal ZOLAR-X reinterpreting Levitation, mayhaps. It's a mind melter, it's drawn out noise/psych jams with buzzsaw guitar, it's CHROME for a new reality, it's five supremely damaged and unrecognizable pop songs broken up by casual interludes to give you time to breathe. It's....it's just really fukkn good. 

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