07 October 2020


It's hard to put a finger no exactly what makes MODURETIK resonate, but this 2013 release fell into my lap a few weeks ago and I can't seem to shake it. The Prague artist captured the darkness of '80s dark synth and primitive industrial/dance perfectly, and sounds completely relevant - robotic blips cast judgement on our present escapes rather than paying a trite homage to a different, familiar, past. Voice Of America-era CABARET VOLTAIRE, but with modern dreary goth dirges like "Realm Of Francies" maintaining a firm, though reluctant, footing in the now. From Jizvy Minulosti, it's a backwards reach for more sounds...feels appropriate, and is encouraged.

1 comment:

Ari said...

I was unable to find some good Czech music (asi a Czech kid in kind of history phase) and did not know I will find a gem here! Thanks