05 July 2014


It was a few years ago.  I was urinating at a storied and well documented all ages venue in Berkeley, California, and I saw this cassette resting on top of the toilet's flushing apparatus. If someone can tell me how I could NOT take this tape home, then I am willing to listen....but I cannot imagine scenario in which these sounds would not end up in my (and in turn, your) ears. So I took the tape home, and it sat on a shelf or in a box for far too long until I digitized it. And I now, you can hear it too. Just pretend you are a regular punk taking a pee break at the show and you found this shit - you would take it home. Right? Of course you would. For the same reason that you will pursue these sounds today...because you want to know. What band or weirdo or performance artist disseminates their work on anonymous toilets? 


Dk said...

With a band name like that and the way the cassette art looks - I would've taken it home too. "Oh boy, a free tape and I better it's gonna sound killer!!!!" Ha ha ha

KOSZMAR said...

this is amazing. actually digging the music on this as well