06 October 2024



A few months ago I got a message from a stranger asking if I wanted some tapes. Listen closely, punks: YES. Like - even if I don't want them, I need to have them  so I can determine whether or not I want them, you understand? So I responded to this stranger in the affirmative, and kinda forgot about it because.....well, punks is flakes, you know? Then my lady (of the night) friend sent me a message and said she had received a package from Australia with my name on it...so I asked her to open it. Punks, try explaining SHIT FETISH to your girlfriend. Never mind me trying to explain SHIT FETISH to you (dear reader) because that would take more words than I can muster at the moment, but think about explaining SHIT FETISH to someone who doesn't fuck with noise punk at all. So yeah, that was an entertaining conversation. There was another SHIT FETISH tape in that package.....so I guess I'll talk about the band when I post that one (until then, crank "Undergarmet" and "Food Fight" because this is perfect punk)....maybe we can also talk about how scrawling your song titles on the inside of the j-card with a magic fukkn marker so it bleeds through and wrecks the cover art. No? Fine...I'll talk about that somewhere else. 

Last show of the (short) SUBHUMANS tour is tonight in San Pedro. They're playing with NOFX, supposedly the last NOFX show ever. I'm writing these words in September as I'm preparing to head out and I am realizing that I have never seen NOFX - which I am totally fine with. The question is: will I watch them when I have the chance? I guess we will find out. 

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