21 October 2024



When CFD went to Indonesia in 2008, SATELLITE were OGs. We didn't play with them (would have loved to, of courser), but the shirts were everywhere and bootleg CDrs seemed to be in every distro. I snagged a couple and jammed them when we got home and.....there was just an urgency hiding in the simplicity of their songs that I couldn't seem to wrap my head around. While I still can't put a finger on why they are so good, this copy of 2000's About War And Violence serves as an excellent reminder (to me) that STELLITE do the fukkn thing right, and sometimes that's worth way more than a bunch of words trying to describe why and how. Sometimes.....it just is. A little out of tune sometimes, a little loose most of the time, a little rudimentary in general and absolute fucking fire from start to finish. Because the shit is real, and when it's truly real you can hear it. When it's truly real you can feel it. 

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