26 June 2024



Somewhere there's a blog where you can just stream the entire Fag Tapes catalog, right? Like....there must be? I admit I've never checked bandcamp (I also admit I will be disappointed if it's there) and I'm sure that many of the releases are on the tube of you but...this shit is supposed to be scattered around, so I'm kinda glad that there's not an immediately apparent one-stop-shop. I used to think that I was going to to eventually snag all of the Fag Tapes tapes but when I got to 50 or 60 I realized how out of my mind I must have been to have such a thought (truth though: I still wonder if it's possible). FT305 is OUT OF DREAM, an improvisational mental breakdown captured on tape. Three untitled movements running something just under forty minutes. Audio collapse in the pre-digital realm, collected and re-presented through an antiquated digital forum. These releases are all connected, and connecting the pieces is half of the fun - experiencing the sonic experimentation is the bigger half, of course. Think about Max Nordile and the Hair Clinic / Music For People / YSFWP family of artists and think that the Fag Tapes Family of Artists was on a similar mission a decade and a half ago and they never stopped...some of us are still trying to catch up. 

And of course I checked. And of course there is a bandcamp. So if you've been searching for SICK LLAMA, some BARF THOTH or a copy of Let's Fuck This Dog by SUPER STREET 14 then it looks like you don't have to do anything more complicated that use a common search engine. Kids these days.... 

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