13 July 2022



The thing about the first INTOLERANCE demo is....it's the damn vocals. The hardcore is sharp and kinda awkward - a slurry of ripping '80s euroHC and DIY political 'core that took over the following decade, a precursor to the throwback backs that would emerge near the end of the century worshipping at the altars of HHH and INDIGESTI....too late for one trend and years ahead of another. But the fukkn vocals - that growl dominates this entire tape with a gruff and manic intensity that sounds like a series of commands - check the yell that opens "Mire A Tu Alrededor" then scrape your jaw off the floor when the rest of the song drops. The metallic hardcore is intense and the dated recording only puts my ears more on edge, but when they break into furious blasts (this is 1993 remember, and the DIY kids weren't really doing that yet...at least not on a large scale) INTOLERANCE is an absolute beast. There's an EP recording (tacked onto the end of this tape) and an LP that are pretty easy to come by - I think both might get skipped over because the cover art hasn't aged as well as the sounds - and then several other recordings that came out after they reformed in the 2000s....but where should you start? You should start right here: with a blistering critique of The Hate Generation

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