05 June 2022


Fierce idealism holds up well...perhaps we should think about that, and our own collective legacy, more often than we do. Are songs like "Fur Queue" and "South Africa" dated.....? Are they? Sonically, West Midlands' INOROUT take a Bristol buzzsaw to classic UK anarcho and it sounds so brilliantly relevant 35 some odd years after inception....but it's the full package that matters. How you sound is one thing, what you mean (and meaning anything at all), is something entirely different. That said, hearing the backing choruses in "Shocked Into Sanity" and "Fascists Fight Fascist" back to back on this tape is one of those little moments in punk that you just can't describe. You just have to hear it.

(I shared this one back in 2009, but I didn't really say anything special.)

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