11 March 2020


Rough and determined Brasilian hardcore, circa 1999. There's a healthy dose of NYHC imposing its will at times, but if you listen to how those parts are tempered by out of tune guitars and general sonic adolescence (specifically in "MMM"), it takes some of the sting out. 

And while I'm selling you on turn of the century DIY hardcore from Brasil, I should mention that I re-ripped the RIDE 4 A FALL demo a while ago, replacing the butchered files that I initially shared. Killer late '90s Per Koro meets North American DIY anarcho mosh metal (yes, i just made that up, but I'm guessing you know exactly what I mean). Mr. Gatewood would approve....

1 comment:

strikethematch said...

Mr. Gatewood definitely approves. Imprimatur.