21 September 2024



This tape thing...it's a weird world. I 'get' things and I buy things and I acquire things and sometimes things just kinda come to me and I'm not sure where they came from and I get to listen to them, to (sometimes) learn about them, to (sometimes) enjoy them and then I use this antiquated digital platform to get them to you. Often by the time they reach my ears I don't have any idea how they made it into my hands, and that's the case with this tape from an artist who may or may not be called something like TYPHOON FAMILY (google image translators are a motherfucker). I don't know where it came from, and honestly I don't even know how to describe it. This shit hits like '90s college radio and Japanese indie and '00s heavy alt all trying to figure out who's gonna buy the next round and.....I'm still not sure if and/or why I like it, but I keep listening so I suggest you keep listening. And now? Now you're curious...so you're going to listen more and/or again. And that means I have done my job. 

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