18 May 2023



In the (my) old world, in a different realm, I translated saudade as it applied to my reality. I interpreted saudade as it suited my reality. I paired the word with more fathomable words like 'longing' and I tried to make saudade comprehensible. Longing implies absence....but what of a word that puts meaning to absence? A word with such mass that it pulls absence itself into orbit and crushes longing in the black hole of loss? What of a word whose very meaning implies hopelessness and desperation in the face of possibility and love? And what of an artist that can capture all of that in the opening seconds of "The Double" - shortened, mechanical breaths serenaded by the comforting voices of impossibilities? The artist is SAUDADE, and The Hooded Ones is best enjoyed alone. Perhaps The Hooded Ones is best not enjoyed at all...perhaps it's best to listen, to feel, and to want. 

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