04 May 2023



THIS stopped me dead in my tracks. Today of all days, this day (not actually today, but an earlier day) when nothing worked how it was meant to work, the day (almost) nothing went as planned (until it did), the day I ached for the known and the out of reach...this was the day ARIADNE found me and stopped me dead. The sound of soothing distress; out of sorts, lost, beautiful, known, familiar...distant. Stopped me dead. Made me feel cold, and made me feel seen. Heard. Known. You need to spend time with ARIADNE, as they did with me on this day (again, not actually this day...it was a recent Monday). "Nourishment" will fill your mind with impossible sonic scenarios while "Cast Down The Flesh Of Your Body" will fill your soul with the sound of the possible. Seize upon the possible and perhaps anything is...truly...possible. Sound cannot do, but sound can guide. And on this day (which was, as I have said, not actually today) ARIADNE led me to, and then through, a beautiful place. Led me to the place from which I write these words today. Actually...today. I'm grateful. 

1 comment:

rev.b said...

I can see how this could stop you dead, or at least give one pause. Feel like taking a minute myself. Mucho thankyeo.