12 April 2023


A blank tape with no cover, a hand written label that reads 'LEFT UNSAID' and that's it. See, people give me things that they're about to throw away because I'm convinced that if I can "rescue" just one recording from a life of obscurity then the hoard is all worth it so I ask everyone to just please make me that one last stop before the trash. I'll toss the trash after I comb through it (I swear), but one person's trash is....well, one person's trash ends up on a blog. I'm not here to entertain a discussion concerning a life of obscurity versus a life on the pages of this blog and/or how much those two lives may (or may not) intersect because the simple fact is that this tape was going to be thrown away but it wasn't, and now you can listen to it. Sounds like metallic hardcore from the '90s - like ANIMAL FARM but played by folks who listened to early East Coast metalcore. There's a band on the internet called LEFT UNSAID who were maybe from Connecticut so maybe it's the same band. Also, maybe it's a different band. Maybe no one has ever heard this before. Probably not, but also maybe. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent blog/album. thanks bro.