18 November 2021


Anyone want to help me figure out what is happening here? It's like KRAFTWERK decided to play OBLIVIANS tunes or some shit. The energy is wild, the energy is through the roof, and it sounds like space invaders (the game) just invaded a sweaty basement with some NDW freak in a turtleneck marching around with a bullhorn telling everyone to remain calm while demanding SUICIDE hand over their keyboards to their new overlords. They comply...the people and SUICIDE. They all comply. And it sounds like SCHWUND. It sounds crazy. It sounds beautiful. You love it. Everyone loves it. 

There you go. I painted the picture. Now look at it. You're welcome. 


Ape Mummy said...

Went and snagged the last copy of Oh Nee! from Bandcamp, thanks to your recommendation. Yet another tip o' the cap headed your way.

the wizard said...

THIS is what I like to hear. Well done, Ape Mummy.