12 March 2025


In the '90s SF world in which I existed, there was a general consensus that the Maximum Rocknroll folks were old and elitist and their institutional affinity for "traditional" rock 'n roll was outdated and irrelevant. That wasn't the case, and I wonder (now) if the adherence to some strict garage/punk sound was actually a revolt against the metal and indie and grunge sounds that permeated so-called punk sounds at the time but...I was an outsider so who fukkn knows. But what about this TEENGENERATE demo? So...in in something like 1996 TEENGENERATE played Kilowatt in SF and it was a "thing" at the time because they were popular in the MRR world that loved garge punk and I went to the show and they were really good. After the show.....


Look....there are stories I could tell related to the night of the Kilowatt show and the band in general, but I will spare you the uncomfortable reading and I will share you a killer eleven song garage punk banger from 1993. You're welcome (twice), but it was a really funny story. 

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