Not even really sure I have words for this. It came to me in a box a few weeks ago and I was smitten from the first listen just as I am smitten on a Thursday evening in preparation for a Friday posting and a long Friday at work. What is Night Reactions Mix 001 exactly? Shit, I can't even say what it is approximately....but it's more or less a politely damaged dark indie shoegaze thing that sounds like it escaped from 1992 Manchester through a tunnel and emerged in a basement covered in mud and sadness. You know....more or less. It's a truly gorgeous recording and it led me down a rabbit hole of releases that spans from the peppy "Cult Hero Jonathan Lewin" (2010) to the advanced indie pop of last year's Your Face Replaces Mine. This tape though? Today's tape? This shit will make you weep. You'll hear Movement-era NEW ORDER and early SISTERS dredging post modern dark indie like WAX IDOLS and TJO through '70s NY No Wave, but mostly you'll hear a brilliant and beautiful tape that came to me in a box. I opened the box and this was's the little things. The little things still happen, and they're still important.
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