I had a RESIDENTS record when I was in high school - bought it because the eyeballs looked cool and never truly understood what I owned even though I rarely listened to it (probably because I didn't understand it). Now I wonder how that record (and a few others I copped when I was a pimply small town adolescent) made it into a shop in Ponca City, Oklahoma but....that's a discussion best filed alongside all of the other unsolvable mysteries in my life like "Why can't the richest nation-state in history feed and house its citizens?" and "Was my father actually murdered?" As the title suggests, this recording from 1986 celebrates the thirteenth year of THE RESIDENTS, which means they were well established outsiders long before they creeped onto my paltry record shelf a few years later....and it also means that THE RESIDENTS were next level freaks, making music that wasn't supposed to make sense to a kid like me in that place and time. I wasn't supposed to understand it - I was supposed to be confused and.....curious. Thankfully, I still am. Both.
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