Maybe 2020 did 'em in like it did a lot of other bands, but I never heard shit from MYSTIQUE after this 2019 burner. I mean, maybe it's just as well since this shit is flawless and you'd hate to see (hear) them follow it up with a stinker, as unlikely as that sounds after blasting "Pressure Of Steel Hands" and realizing that you are in fact strong enough to conquer the day before you. That's what MYSTIQUE does - they sound like they're physically pushing and pulling you at the same time, just to make sure you get the fukkn message one way or another. Forceful femme vocals and that UK82-by-way-of-power-crust swinging stomp that permeates sooooo much modern USDIY punk (this is not a complaint - merely an observation); there are only four songs here and maybe these four songs are all we're ever gonna get but....if you're gonna go fast, then at least go hard, right?
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