08 October 2019


The electronic arm of To Live A Lie blast dealer Will Butler's sonic empire, DON GARNELLI has quietly amassed a noteworthy discography filled with dark and foreboding ambiance.  2013's War Of Currents starts as a collection of short, mostly subtle, missives building to the proto industrial "Powerful Induction" into the epic 10+ minute journey "Monolith." He repeats the formula on the flip, a little more ominous this time and with some erratic beats thrown in, culminating in "Turbine," a thirteen minute exercise that would be worth your time on its own. This listens like a soundtrack, lurking in the background until makes itself known by drawing you into the shadows to mingle...and ultimately this shit is just really good. There are more releases to take in after this one has taken its course, but I warn you that this one might take you a while. 

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