You ever wonder how a band can release something so utterly devastating and then just...vanish? Like, did they listen to their release and just say "well, we did it - I guess we're done." Kinda like what SLAYER should have done after Reign In Blood (*see below*). That appears to be what WOUND did after they released Trashwork sometime in the mi twenty-teens, and you listen to this monster with proper ears and you can certainly see why they called it quits...shit is perfect. Perfect modern hardcore - fastcore properly reimagined for post apocalyptic reality with breakdowns and blasts and blatant Thrash2K rips and the shit like "I Am Cobra" that just makes you rethink everything you think about punk. I wish there were more, but the absence of more is what makes WOUND so perfect. Because they fukkn did it.
Look - South Of Heaven is a great and arguably also-perfect record. But do not for one second try to tell me that you think it's better and/or more important than Reign In Blood. If SLAYER has stopped in 1987 literally zero people would be saying "man, they could have done better so it's too bad they quit" and a similarly zeroid number of people have ever honestly felt happy that anything after Seasons In The Abyss even existed at all.
The moral is: Get in. Do no shit. Get out.
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