03 July 2024



I'm not sure what dimension DER YAHZENBURG come from (came from), but it's rare to step into a cacophony that sounds this honest. Four obscene inept bursts of adolescent energy that are going to make you want to pull out an OLD SKULL record just to remind yourself of what is real and what you're imagining. There's an invalid MySpace link on the back of the tape - I admit I was a little disappointed to find a Bandcamp and answer some of my questions - though I suggest you listen first and research second (if you research at all). It'll be over in less than three minutes, you'll have time to think about it later. Call me if you need to talk. 

02 July 2024



If there were ever an under appreciated Bay Area party punk band, is fukkn BAD COYOTES. Maximum energy '77 punk rock 'n roll with a serious Blood Guts & Pussy-era DWARVES vibe is exactly what you need when you're two beer past caring and looking to get into some trouble. And BAD COYOTES are three beers ahead of you. You're gonna cringe occasionally and you'll question a few of your life choices, but once you're in? You're in. 

01 July 2024



It's not often that a band sees, reaches for and achieves a vision with this much success. It's as if the entire trajectory of SCHIZOPHASIA was laid out by and for them before they played a fucking note and it shows, especially when you look back at their body of work. Ferocious noise punk injected with and interjected by noise and electronics, sometimes working together and sometimes in opposition. The releases can be challenging (part of the appeal of course), but you always feel like everything you're experiencing is a part of someone else's plan whether it was a part of your plan or not. And a decade after the release of 3000, I have to say that feeling tracks.