30 June 2024



I was digging in Fresno a few weeks back, looking for some relic from a different time without knowing exactly what kind of relic of from what time because...that's how thrifting works. If you're trying to find a '_____' then you'd just go to the '_____' store, right? It's the adventure and the mystery and the unknown that keeps us digging, and so I was digging. And I dug until I pulled out this Cajun Comedy tape and then I figured "yeah...this is probably all for today - this is what I was meant to find" and 25¢ later I was on my way out the door. I suggest pulling up a chair here, maybe cracking open a cold one this afternoon (as I did on that afternoon a few weeks back) so you can really settle into Justin Wilson's brand of story telling - because it's really more about the stories than the comedy here, and anyone who knows me knows I enjoy a good story. Maybe I should start recording my stories and leaving them in thrift stores for future searchers....

29 June 2024



I first shared this tape a long time ago, when Terminal Escape was in its infancy and blogs were still a way for people to search for and discover new or new-to-them sounds in the post-SoulSeek pre-YouTube world. I posted this AUTONOMY tape when things were better, when the world wasn't a shambles and it still felt like the good times were real. AUTONOMY started in Carbondale (which serves as a weird triggering omen for this typist) but they moved around a lot and they released several other recordings after this 2011 cassette. Some of the shit is really good but nothing ever touched "No Need" so I was pleased to pop this one in just as I am pleased to re-share it with you, dear visitor. Things are different now and there are asterisks and exceptions to everything good, but this is still the best AUTONOMY release, so why not reach into your own past and listen to sounds of determined frustration that were recorded before your frustration was determined? 


28 June 2024



Don't be fooled by the DISABUSE logo font, just a brutal dose of thrashing crust culminating in a gloriously stilted DISCLOSE cover that shows the band trying to reign in their assault to fall in line with standard raw DBeat fare. The fact that they can't quite pull it off only shows that their machine is built to fukkn blast. COMMIT ARSON go straight for the throat on the flip with more face melting dual vocal grind/crust tracks...your knuckles are going to be sore after listening to this shit. And your ears will be bleeding. To visitors who didn't want to be smashed in the face with the raw shit from Philippines today? Well, you can't always get what you want....but these two bands have got what you need. 

27 June 2024



Now I'm gonna live my life my way // Fuck you and fuck what you say...
I don't think it's possible to describe how and/or why this LESTER tape is so good, so maybe just trust me on this one? I'm thinking about dropping references as varied as GOMEZ and early '80s Los Angeles punk, but I also can't shake the fact that "F*#k School!" hits me like the first time I hear AFTERBIRTH's "Mr. Louis" and if you know what I mean then....then you definitely know what I mean. LESTER are so baseline, so utterly predictable that you almost get surprised when you hear exactly what you expected to hear at every turn - right down to the ballad that closes the tape. It just works, and sometimes it's better to appreciate instead of analyzing it. 

26 June 2024



Somewhere there's a blog where you can just stream the entire Fag Tapes catalog, right? Like....there must be? I admit I've never checked bandcamp (I also admit I will be disappointed if it's there) and I'm sure that many of the releases are on the tube of you but...this shit is supposed to be scattered around, so I'm kinda glad that there's not an immediately apparent one-stop-shop. I used to think that I was going to to eventually snag all of the Fag Tapes tapes but when I got to 50 or 60 I realized how out of my mind I must have been to have such a thought (truth though: I still wonder if it's possible). FT305 is OUT OF DREAM, an improvisational mental breakdown captured on tape. Three untitled movements running something just under forty minutes. Audio collapse in the pre-digital realm, collected and re-presented through an antiquated digital forum. These releases are all connected, and connecting the pieces is half of the fun - experiencing the sonic experimentation is the bigger half, of course. Think about Max Nordile and the Hair Clinic / Music For People / YSFWP family of artists and think that the Fag Tapes Family of Artists was on a similar mission a decade and a half ago and they never stopped...some of us are still trying to catch up. 

And of course I checked. And of course there is a bandcamp. So if you've been searching for SICK LLAMA, some BARF THOTH or a copy of Let's Fuck This Dog by SUPER STREET 14 then it looks like you don't have to do anything more complicated that use a common search engine. Kids these days.... 

25 June 2024



At the tail end of the Thrash2K wave in the Bay Area there was a band who just might have spawned another resurgence if the starts had aligned differently. STOCKHOLM SYNDROME were in your face, political, serious - STOCKHOLM SYNDROME were punk. Spencer and Max were Bay Area fixtures (VULGAR PIGEONS, THE SHIVERING and all things 625 respectively), Tim was fresh blood from the UK (that NERVES/SUBSTANDARD split is still straight fire) and they combined forces to create an absolute juggernaut. Ten songs in eleven minutes on the debut Deathfuckers cassette, then personnel challenges contributed to a quick fizzle shortly after the One Way Out EP brought most of that same session to wax. Shit holds up though, and 625 joined up with YOFC to compile the demo and an unreleased session on a much needed posthumous long player....speaking of, you know today is June 25th, right? 6/25. 625. All hail one of the most influential, enthusiastic and honest DIY punk labels ever. 

24 June 2024



This is some of the most glorious damage I've ever come across - timeless freaked out Kraut-esque mostly instrumental jams with a funky monotony that's impossible to describe. There's a moment in "Crocodile Tears" where I start to wonder if Philadelphia's PURLING HISS are doing a little too much until they cross an intention threshold and make it clear that they are going all in.....and then clearly I'm right there with them. You know the music that you put on and think you kinda forget about and then you notice that it hasn't been in the background at all? You notice that you are a part of it? That's the power of Meandering Noodle, and it's formidable. 

23 June 2024



Every time I blast NEGATIVE DEGREE I'm left dumbfounded - why wasn't this band blowing every punk's mind when they were kicking? It says something that their only two vinyl releases are from non-US labels, and I've already suggested the possible geographical explanations for the punk radar blipping right over these Colorado ragers....but fukkn listen to this tape from 2011 and you'll understand why I'm flummoxed. "Dead-Void" is in line with (early) FUCKED UP, DS-13, REGULATIONS...you know, the heavyweights. And there are six other burners here...all of 'em fukkn are legit. Every last one. "One Horse Town" on repeat every damn day - this is frustration. This is punk.

22 June 2024



No frills, no bullshit, no information. Just a few doses of mouth breathing hardcore to drink beer and smash shit to. Might I suggest the smashing start with your expectations, and then move on to your hopes? 

21 June 2024



Fear Of Noise always seemed like they had everything fukkn dialed. Their fests were compact and not overwhelming, trading quantity and pretense for quality and efficiency - get in, have fun, connect with your people, have a good night, do it again tomorrow. Also, the lineups were fucking deadly, as evidenced by this cassette that replaced the ill fated 2020 edition. A veritable 'must listen' list of West Coast hitters at the turn of the decade with predictably heavy San Diego representation. SCREAMING FIST and PROVOKE lock arms with LÖCKHEED (Portland), AGONISTA and VIOLENCIA (Tijuana), SYRGAS (Sweden) and locals VILE REALITY, BLINDING GLOW, DISCOVERY, NEGATIVE BLAST, a true freak cut from D.WREX and loads more. Twenty six slammers in all, courtesy of Speed Creamer and the nicest fest I've been asked to play. 

20 June 2024



Perhaps "I Just Wanna Be Alone" is the summer anthem that we all need in 2024, or perhaps it's just me. But 2019's Pulang Demonyo tape is absolutely the dose of Pinoy street punk I needed on this fukkn Thursday. All praise to the folks at Struggle Records in Naga for dropping this burner in my lap, now go crank "Resist To Exist" knowing that this the fire that street punk is supposed to bring. 

19 June 2024



So I posted another one of these Hangyaku tapes a couple of years ago and I'm officially on the lookout for as many volumes as I can get my filthy hands on. That tape featured three upstate NY bands, while this one captures the DIY touring '90s in a nutshell - Boston mutants FAT DAY on one side and Pueblo, Colorado maniacs FANATICS on the flip. They were both in the studio at the same time, and these are shows that just.....they don't happen like this any more. Maybe the internet killed these combinations, maybe there are just more options now, maybe I'm just too old and tired to notice today's magic - all I know is that I miss this shit. FAT DAY rips through twenty four tracks of their inimitable freakness in as many minutes and wrap up with a rare interview clip that reminds me how uniquely original and important they were. Flip the tape over and you get FANATICS laying pure waste to WRPI studios over the course of thirty seven minutes...pure and unhinged high desert speed crust with a ten minute interview to set the stage. The '90s were a time - we got stranded at FAT DAY's house and they fed us after they got home from work and school every day for a week. We went to FANATICS' house dead set on doing piles of drugs. And succeeded. Then they came to our house and did the same. And now a lifetime later I'm a middle aged man in the midst of upheaval and....and here are my memories captured on a college radio station in Troy, New York. So yeah, I'm looking for those other Hangyaku tapes. 

18 June 2024



It would be easy to dismiss this band based simply on the title of their 1995 cassette, but I implore you to listen. GULLIVER opens with "I Don't Belong To You" and those nasal vocals that defined an era of melodic punk, and then the song kicks in and you hear '80s SoCal oozing out of the chords....and you know something is different. I hear '77 NYC on "I Don't Belong" and then they just settle into a groove that is, admittedly: Simple, Fast and Melodic!. It's also a groove that is really fukkn good.  "Country Man" is a would-be anthem for a generation of small town working class (pop) punk kids (they were from Barretos, the capital of Brasilian rodeo) while "Cog Of Gear" is lightning fast and conjures ROUSE vibes - hell, even the damn BEATLES cover (almost) works. None of the nine tracks touch the two minute marks while that simple, fast and melodic groove just keeps churning. These are the nuggets that will (always) keep me digging. 

17 June 2024



And then there was now...and now there is NUCLER BLUD. Devastatingly calculated in their approach, and rarely have I been more drawn to a band's determination to stay on the rails and remain completely hinged. Saw them for the first time a few weeks back and was not at all disappointed, then came home and had my ass handed to me by the two sub-60 second burners on this gig only cassette. Pay attention, young punks. 

16 June 2024



And ten years after FIX MY HEAD there came NIL. A different crew of Oaklanders, this time crooning their way through an LPs worth of addictive old punk with MISSION OF BURMA and casual '80s college/alt vibes. This is one of the tapes that grabs me a few songs in after I've accepted that it's not going to grab me (though here it was the solo in the second track that turned me around). The best things happen when you're least expecting them. 

15 June 2024



Four blasts of straight Bay Area fire from a lifetime ago - FIX MY HEAD were kicking when I moved back to SF, but they dissolved shortly afterwards. Just furious California hardcore punk of the highest order. Will did an EP and there was the split with KNIFE IN THE LEG, but this recording....? Like I said at the start of the paragraph: Four blasts of straight Bay Area fire

14 June 2024



When the first DJ UDJAT EYE mix dropped into my box last year, I was chuffed before I popped it in the deck. You see, Dave doesn't fuck around.....and if Dave took the time to create and reproduce a mix? It's gonna be good, and it is good (of course) - but that tape still didn't prepare me for this volume. Seven minutes into the first side and we've moved from ALBERT MARCOEUR to VOLYA to MAGDA MAYAS infected with PIG DNA....and that only lays the foundation. This is an expertly crafted cassette, a collection of sounds and creations that is far greater than the sum of its parts. RINGO STARR. NO COMMENT. MARION BROWN. NEFTALI. PEGGY LEE. SUPPRESSIVE PERSON. A truly crafted and curated mix is so much more that a simple collection of songs, and this is is so much. more than even that. An altogether other worldly listen that I cannot recommend more highly. 

13 June 2024



Figured they might have been from the Bay with the name (it's an airport), but they're from Chicago. I ripped an L7 set from 1991 the other night, and that primed me nicely for this trio - plodding, in your face, guitar heavy sludge/punk...I'm real into it, and I wish the second side hadn't been all fucked up and warbled so I could hear all six songs. Listen to "U-Lock" and smash shit, because it's Thursday. 

12 June 2024



When I say "volume yields," I generally mean that listening to punk at higher volumes yields more satisfying results. Today however, when I say "volume yields," I mean that increasing the volume on JUVENTUD PODRIDA's 2014 behemoth La Naturaleza de la Bestia will make you want to kill things. Anything in sight, anything you can get your hands on (or around). Inanimate objects will reanimate just so you can feel them slip into the other realm. These four songs are the sounds of absolute destruction and primal desperation realized. Total modern crust destruction, this should have been the blueprint for the last decade...holy shit. 

11 June 2024



No idea where this came from (welcome to my hoard), but there are mobile numbers and no email addresses in the insert so I'm gonna guess 1990s. Music is kinda prog/indie with Japanese pop overtones (vocals particularly) and a serious MINUTEMEN bent on the last track. It's overall really...sweet. Sometimes we need a nice thing in our day, and Jerald are very nice. Also, is the cover upside down...? I think maybe it is.

10 June 2024



These OC punks just get the fuck in, get the busy and get the fuck out. Early POISON IDEA vibes and heavy Southern California dirty beach hardcore, with interview clips and shit between tracks. It's so deadly simple and raw....it's what you need. 

09 June 2024



Goddamn, these Aussies are just straight fukkn fire. It's as if the Birdmen themselves crash landed in a pile of early '00s punk infused indie - I'm talking NEW RACE by way of STROKES or FRANZ FERDINAND reimagining HITMEN here, and Perth's LAST QUOKKA are flawlessly on point for all of it. Jam "My Girl" into "Piggy" and know that you've found it...and you can find a lot more here


...and there were grass stains on my jeans...

08 June 2024



I may have occasionally dismissed Region Rock in these pages and I have surely disparaged the subgenre in person, so imagine my distress when I hear something that clicks just right and I realize that...."fuck, I think this is that subgenre I casually knock without really knowing what the fuck I'm talking about." We all get judgy from time to time so I'm not going to beat myself up over it, and I'm not even sure that that is what this is anyway so there's that too. But when I hear something that clicks just right, I keep listening. The music sounds strained, the musicians themselves sound strained - as if even these relatively simple melodic punk songs are just out of reach. The vocals nail that JAWBREAKER by way of DOOM after three packs of Lucky Strikes vibe, and if it weren't for the clean guitar some of these tracks ("My Debts To You" particularly) could have been born in a Rust Belt basement in the 1990s. Maybe the appeal of Region Rock is the darkness-by-way-of-hope energy that permeates the sound in a way that transcends the music or the lyrics. Or maybe that's just EVICTION PARTY....or maybe I don't really know what I'm talking about. That's always a possibility worth considering. I'm gonna have more coffee now. 

07 June 2024



Just a real solid mix of underground surf bangers put together by someone called Cold Vomit. THE REVELS, CHIYO & THE CRESCENTS, THE VULCANES, THE FIREBALLS, MANUEL & THE RENEGADES, THE PAGENTS and more, all presented with requisite crackle. I challenge you to find a more perfect chilling in the afternoon and into the night compilation, and when you do...? Share it with me.

06 June 2024



I love a band that feels like they were born in the wrong time and place. A new century grimy punk band from Ohio who would have made more sense playing with TRAGIC MULATTO and FRIGHTWIG but here they are in my living room with a lurch and a squelch and a mid tempo burner called "Wild Strawberries" that channels all of the right kinds of sonic damage. I posted another tape a few years ago (it's good too) and I'm going to revisit that one as soon as I finish writing these words, because we need more bands that don't quite fit, you know?

05 June 2024



Spent last weekend in sunny Fresno, California shopping for a couch. Hit a few furniture super stores and scoured second hand market places online and mostly struck out before we made an appointment to meet with a kid selling a slightly stained brown number for a cool $75. Looked comfy enough and we are probably going to stain it anyway so we headed over....but wait, there's a Goodwill on the way so we decided to pop in. The couch selection was atrocious, but they had a few tapes (and let's be honest here, that's the real reason I suggested stopping) and I snagged some private press '80s white mystic shit and this jammer from Louisiana's JIMMY C. NEWMAN. Jimmy C. Newman & Cajun Country was released in 1986 with his radio hits and time on the Louisiana Hayride barely visible in the rearview mirror, but "Rhinestone Cajun Rides Again" is a dusty floor '80s country stomper of the highest caliber, proudly announcing that Newman had assembled new ensemble and his brand of Louisiana swing was back in action. The cajun influence that defined Newman's career is blatant on tracks like "Tawna Woo Woo" and "Cochon De Lait," adding a distinct swing to a tape that is filled with could-have-been hits like "Good Ole Boys From Louisiana" and "My Toot Toot." We ended up grabbing that $75 couch from a nice kid who was willing to deliver it for a few extra bucks, and it turned out the stain probably isn't bodily fluid. Basically? It was a really nice day with a few really good scores. 

04 June 2024



The answer to yesterday's post is New Mexico's HEDIA. They are so simple and honest, so sonically straightforward, so....so real. There's no description necessary, this tape is little more than a collection of sounds presented as deliberate individual thoughts. This tape is patience and understanding. This tape is telling you it's okay to do the wrong thing, even if you already did the thing. HEDIA is...patience. I don't think I have ever described a recording as patient before today....HEDIA is patient. Patience. It's okay. You'll be okay, I think.
