02 March 2024



There's something about Buffalo. Upstate New York in general of course, but specifically Buffalo. I've always liked the town, I'm drawn to it in much the same way I'm drawn to much of the Rust Belt - just feels like a place where the people are real because...well, why bother being anything else, you know? It's not perfect, it's kinda busted here and there, but it's also not a place trying to be anything it's not. And the bands.....seriously. Quality and quantity, and a town responsible for CAGES and GAS CHAMBER and SKATE KORPSE is a town you're going to want to pay attention to, you know? So anyway, here's the BLOBS tape that came out in 2015. Hot swinging high energy punk with a relentlessly walking fuzz bass and sonically advanced clean guitars that make you wonder if someone from BLOC PARTY is moonlighting in a basement in upstate New York schooling some grimey punk kids. There are horns and synths too, but you might not notice them because they sound like they just...belong. You're going to want to dance and you're going to smile, but you'll also never forget that you're listening to a no bullshit punk band. Because in Buffalo...you get all of it. Because it's all real. 

1 comment:

RQVIV said...

Good stuff and good guys. Not sure if they are still together (too old for basement shows), but they had tunez for dayz.