30 October 2023



Good luck finding a duo more compelling than FIREBRAND. The members' respective resumés start to tell the story, but the way Candice and Osa make the minimal sound like everything you could possibly need is perhaps unparalleled. "The Way We Were" is a perfect jerky dance number and "Hot Out" is as addictive as anything I've heard since - shades of early Rough Trade to be sure, but this band made a stamp that is (was?) truly their own. I guess this would have been a good tour to see...but I'm glad that someone else did, and I'm glad that they bought the tape, and I'm glad that they sold the tape to a record store in New Mexico. And I'm glad that I bought it. 

1 comment:

aboynamedstew said...

no idea if i'm gonna like this or not, but i've definitely dug some of your recent posts: hoarder, sanction a, discos corrosivos, endlings...

more importantly, just wanted to say thanks for doing what you do and doing it so often. here's hoping yr physical, mental, and psychic health allows you to keep posting (and using parentheses like a fukkin pro!) for as long as you feel the calling. thanks!