21 August 2023



If I could make a time (and space) machine, I might choose to go to Portland, Maine in 2003 or so just to check shit out. Renegade Tapes did a pretty good job of documenting what might have been a small but was definitely a ferocious scene that included LUNCH MONEY THUGS, PINKO AND THE ACTION BOYS, CREEPY CRAWLER, DYHS and more. But these fuckers called DOWN TO KILL? Ooooofffffff this tape is such a scorcher, and you know they were playing basements to less than 20 people (because let's be honest - the best bands do). Unhinged and fast as fuck hardcore punk with serious Southern California feels...but from Maine. So gimme that time machine and plop me down in a room full of kids going hard as fuck in front of their friends. I'll feel awkward.....but dude I will be so stoked. 

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