04 July 2023


Early 2000s Pittsburgh was something special, y'all. To a touring band, The Mr. Roboto Project was like 924 Gilman energy crammed into a Midwest basement, the kids were wild as fuck and the old heads recognized and appreciated the energy the young/er generation of punks brought to the scene. AUS ROTTEN was done, but SUBMACHINE were still going hard while CAUSTIC CHRIST and BEHIND ENEMY LINES were getting rolling...and WARZONE WOMYN and INTENSE YOUTH! were starting a whole ass scene that would spawn BRAINHANDLE, SLICES, FUCKEDUPMESS and a host of other bands. The reign of INTENSE YOUTH! was brief - this demo, one EP and a split with CAUSTIC CHRIST all in 2002/2003 - but the twelve minutes of furious hardcore here are a good reminder of just now wild the shit was in Pittsburgh. How good the shit was (is) in Pittsburgh. I've always loved that town.


OhioBlake said...

Fun fact.....9 Shocks Terror got banned from Mr. Roboto.

the wizard said...

Gonna go ahead and assume that this fun fact will surprise approximately no one.

OhioBlake said...

I only wish I could recall the exact words Erba used to describe the scene to me.

That Pitts scene was special, it's still kind of a crazy secret cool town in that way.