07 June 2022



There were so many damn bands in the 2010s. Seriously. I know that every era, every decade, every scene is going to have the bands who stand out and make a mark and the ones who fly under the radar. Inevitably, folks will turn new eyes and ears towards some of those bands and "discover" them after the fact and that's normal, but I swear I'm going to be playing catch-up with that damned decade until I'm sixty. And then I'll have the 2020s to revisit. And then I'll be seventy. And then I'll flail trying to pay attention to the 2030s while I struggle to change my own diapers and then at some point I'll be dead. And when that happens, there will still be hundreds, nay thousands, of bands I will have never heard of that I would have liked if I had ever heard them. And so be it. 

"I gave up on god when I was a young man" 

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