05 June 2011


These Australians got a shitstick for their recent Bay Area shows - one mediocre turnout and one lost venue that equaled no show at all. What's worse, I was out of town and didn't even get to see the mediocre one, and was responsible for the one that fell through. Minus five points for me. TEARGAS are a juggernaut of Japanese influenced hardcore with soaring guitar leads and vocals full of frustration and rage - awesome shit, and their new LP on Narm Discos/Hardcore Victim is a total killer. Get this demo today, order the record tonight. They are playing in Austin tonight, but NO STATIK is playing down the street at the same time, so minus five more points for me.


Anonymous said...

they missed their plane to boston, wish i had seen them while they were in the states


wow great stuff and i rarely say that about a new band check out gripper from new Zealand anothere great new hard cope punk band they have a split with the destructors

Neil The Darkness said...

Hey The Wizard, it's Neil from the band here. Definitely don't hold the show in SF thing against you. As the French say, merde happens. After seeing the footage I'm bummed I missed No Statik too. Cheers for filling us in on what Pyrate Punx actually are. That puzzled me the whole trip.